Monday, April 26, 2010

I, Robot

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
- Isaac Asimov

A few days ago, after a hard day's work at the gym, my friends and I decided it was time to head back home. After collecting our stuff from the locker room, all of them whipped out their Blackberries and where soon oblivious to everything around them. I, ofcourse started my usual rantings about how their lives were controlled by those cursed machines. But my friends, tired of my gospel, didn't listen to a word I said. So, I decided to come to my own personal bit of cyberspace and rant about one of my favourite topics: technology and its control over us!

Remeber those days when you had to wait atleast 24 hours to get ur pictures developed? Remeber when they reduced the wait time to one hour? Do you remember how exciting it was to rip open the envelope containing your prized memories? Remeber those really humiliating photos of you that could not be deleted? Well all of that is gone. We have digital cameras now. You see the product as soon as it is taken. Do not get me wrong, I have no qualms with digital cameras, especially for someone like me whose photography skills are - at best - poor. I'm just saying, don't u long for those days when cameras were so easy to use (just point and click).

When I talk about how I think technology is ruinig our lives, people think I am anti-technology. Far from it. I love technology, as long as it serves a purpose, and does not lead to over dependence. Think about it, if your Blackberry, went off for one week, how well do you think you will fare? People have become so dependent on technology, it's scary. Why is it that something so small, controls every single aspect of your life. Wouldn't you rather have several different machines that are best suited to one particular need? That way, you would have a camera with as many mega-pixels as possible, a phone with enough juice to last a day or two, and a laptop/pc with unlimited speed and power. Wouldn't that be something?

I am NOT against technology. Far from it. All I want is a world where we are not so dependent on it. The threat of robots rising up and conquering humanity, as depicted in the 2004 movie "I, Robot", may seem far-fetched to most people. But to me, it may soon become very real. Not in the way described in the movie ofcourse, but in a far more subtle way. Infact, it may already be happening. Think about it, how many of you out there are slaves to the vibrations/ringtones of your smartphones?

I will definately return to this topic in the future, but for now think about this: how long do u think you will last without any type of electronic equipment, like an ipod or a smartphone? When was the last time you put them down and read a book?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blood Flow Theory

"the problem with men is God gave us two brains and just enough blood for one to function at a time" - Robin Williams

Why do men cheat? That's probably the one of the most popular questions among women. And their answer to this question is quite hilarious- ranging from dogs to pigs. However, there has never been a definite answer to that question. Well, today (rather tonight, since it's about 11.30 at night) I'm am going to try to give a definite answer to that infamous question.

Well, as Robin Williams nicely put it, all men have to brains (your actual brain and your penis) and both organs need blood to function. But then, there isn't enough blood for both organs to FULLY function at the same time. And that is the reason "why men cheat". When the blood is up north, we are able to think rationally. When it goes south, however, our rationality is drowned in the rush.

There are basically four types of boys. There are two extremes: those completely ruled by the North, and those completely ruled by the South. And of course, there are the in-betweens, which is where most people fall.

The Northerner's are usually more in control of themselves, not controlled by their libido. They are what you call the good guys. But that's an extreme case, and yes, they are very few.

There is the other extreme where the blood is mostly down South. These guys are usually not very rational beings. They are few, but very popular.

Then there are those with more blood towards the North than South. They are still the good guys. They are definitely very rational and not fully controlled by their urges, unless there are external factors. They are everywhere, just not that popular.

Then there are those with more blood towards the South than North. Pretty much almost every guy from 15 to 70 falls into this. They are EVERYWHERE! As u can probably tell, they aren't really rational as well, and don't really need a reason to do anything. They just do it.

And there you have it. That's the reason why men cheat. It may not be something you have done. It is just in their nature (depending on the man and his blood flow). You cannot change them. You either accept it and move on, or turn the other way.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The First Post

I have always wanted to do this for a long time now, but i always put it off. Well, time for procrastination is over, it's finally time to act. This blog is not going to be a personal diary informing you of my activities. the purpose of this blog is to find my self. i hope to do this by recording my thoughts as often as possible. so join me people, on this road to self discovery.