Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blood Flow Theory

"the problem with men is God gave us two brains and just enough blood for one to function at a time" - Robin Williams

Why do men cheat? That's probably the one of the most popular questions among women. And their answer to this question is quite hilarious- ranging from dogs to pigs. However, there has never been a definite answer to that question. Well, today (rather tonight, since it's about 11.30 at night) I'm am going to try to give a definite answer to that infamous question.

Well, as Robin Williams nicely put it, all men have to brains (your actual brain and your penis) and both organs need blood to function. But then, there isn't enough blood for both organs to FULLY function at the same time. And that is the reason "why men cheat". When the blood is up north, we are able to think rationally. When it goes south, however, our rationality is drowned in the rush.

There are basically four types of boys. There are two extremes: those completely ruled by the North, and those completely ruled by the South. And of course, there are the in-betweens, which is where most people fall.

The Northerner's are usually more in control of themselves, not controlled by their libido. They are what you call the good guys. But that's an extreme case, and yes, they are very few.

There is the other extreme where the blood is mostly down South. These guys are usually not very rational beings. They are few, but very popular.

Then there are those with more blood towards the North than South. They are still the good guys. They are definitely very rational and not fully controlled by their urges, unless there are external factors. They are everywhere, just not that popular.

Then there are those with more blood towards the South than North. Pretty much almost every guy from 15 to 70 falls into this. They are EVERYWHERE! As u can probably tell, they aren't really rational as well, and don't really need a reason to do anything. They just do it.

And there you have it. That's the reason why men cheat. It may not be something you have done. It is just in their nature (depending on the man and his blood flow). You cannot change them. You either accept it and move on, or turn the other way.

1 comment:

  1. This question has been discussed so many times... I don't even know if I want to argue about it right now...

    The best answer I've got is: Men can release millions and millions of sperm per ejaculate. Women however, can release about 1 egg per month. We therefore have to be more selective to make sure our offspring "make sense".

    Men have millions of chances.

    However, ancient, basic instinct can be well overcome by common sense, respect, love and trust.

